Tuesday, 4 May 2010

financial accounts and costs

Shown below are my personal notes and copies of the financial accounts and costs for the print and distribution of our personal newspaper. It shows the outgoing costs so purchases for printing the newspaper and postage etc, and also shows the ingoing costs, such as the adverts costs, and copies of the newspaper sold so far.


Outgoing costs

We as a class printed 500 copies of the newspaper at a £1 a newspaper, so therefore our overall outgoing costs for the Newspaper club was £500 inc VAT postage for first three orders, which was £11.40.

Income - Ingoing costs

For our incoming costs, we made a considerable amount through adverts.

For the Junction advert, we were given £350 for a newspaper advert.

For the Lincoln advert, we were given £100 for a half page newspaper advert.

For an OCR advert, we were given another £100 for a half page newspaper advert.

Total advertising income is £550 from the 3 adverts.

  • Reigate school bought 120 copies of the newspaper for £60, adding £60 to the income profit.
  • Islington college also bought 40 copies of the newspaper, which adds another £20 to the overall profit.
  • Netherhall school bought another 30 copies of our newspaper, which was another £15 of the profit.
  • Guernsey grammar school bought another 20 copies of the newspaper which adds another £10 to the overall profit made.
  • There were also another 50 free copies/samples, given to the group members (us) the moderator etc.
  • We still need to sell 260 copies of the newspaper, which should increase our profit costs further.
  • We have sold 210 copies of the newspaper so far, which is a great achievement as we have sold almost half of all the newspapers we bought. These newspapers are to be advertised further by Jenny Grahame on OCR teachers site this week, so hopefully we aim to have sold all the copies through this method of advertising.

Total profit including adverts and distribution of newspapers - £655

This therefore in my opinion, is an excellent achievement in terms of a profit. We have made back our outgoing costs simply on adverts, so therefore any costs made now or at a later date, will be further cost and would be additional costs and even more of a profit.

Feedback after distribution

Shown below is also our feedback so far of the newspaper after distribution of the newspapers, so therefore this is new feedback.

Mary Berrisford, Islington

“We've just put the underground map on the wall and are fighting about who is on the coolest line(that's teachers not students by the way!)Initial reaction is that we can't wait to use it in the classroom -could be a few more bigger images in there...We'll use it with students next week (weds) and email you some more feedback”

Jenny Grahame

“MediaMe looks great. Works really well with the colour, etc. Mega achievement.”

Reigate College
  • "Good on section 1
  • Methodical systematic and detailed
  • Very concise to the point
  • Very clearly expressed
  • Wordsearch page blurry
  • Wikipedia game Already played by lots of class good -article- less obviously useful than others
  • Useful - better than a textbook
  • Great format
  • Tube map great
  • Format handy
  • Teacher prefers online to print -students like print far more
  • Layout really good
  • Is point about TV not needing a licence true?"

( my thoughts)
  • Overall, I personally think this feedback is very positive and has helped further analyse what we hoped to achieve. It sets clear our achievements and our targets, and the feedback we received has really helped analyse our overall progress. I think the colour we used in the newspaper was attractive to the audience and I hope that it was also visually interesting.
  • The only negative or constructive feedback I can see is that the word search was blurry, which personally I agree with once you look at the newspaper. Unfortunately, the makers of the page used an image which was stretched too far and therefore became blurry when printed.
  • Other than this, the point associated with my article especially was "is the point about not needing a TV license true?" from Reigate college. This was a very good point made, and I personally believe the quote as true, as the source we took it from is here - http://www.bitterwallet.com/5-reasons-why-you-can-cancel-your-tv-licence-tomorrow/10985
  • However, once cutting the article down we may have made the statement we were trying to make a bit unclear and therefore it was inevitably going to cause confusion.
  • Overall thought I think we had the majority of positive feedback and this is a great achievement because it means students can actually learn from the newspaper, exactly the aim we have held from the start.