Tuesday, 23 March 2010

23rd March - Feedback

Here are some pictures of our feedback we recieved from Nick and from 2 class members in year 12.

Here is a close up of feedback from Nick, you can see he has made some improvements.

The blue pen highlighted article is from the 2 class members of year 12.

Here is a summary of our feedback from the class members over what we did well and improvements we could make.

Here is a summary of all our feedback written up from the notes:

Here is some feedback for our third draft of our article,

Student Feedback

- Some Spelling Mistakes
- Second opinion in first paragraph
- Expanding needed in some areas
- Explain TVCatchup
- Expand watching films illegal online?
- Include own opinion or rhetorical question in paragraphs
- Expand on Conclusion
- Need more personal opinions and contrasting opinions

Teacher (Nick) feedback

- Snappier introduction
- Add about time shifting
- Add about sky + in first paragraph
- Be more specific in second paragraph
- Expand on paragraph 3 ending
- 'overloading the Internet' talk about bandwidth and problems for theInternet
- find examples of online + terrestrial viewing
- Expand on some areas of the Article

Overall, I think both Nicks and the class members feedback will really help, especially from the class members because they are our target audience, so if they do not understand it then we know we need to make some changes for our target audience to understand the feedback.

Nick's feedback is also very helpful because he analyses what we have done so far and what we need to do next, also good examples of what we can add such as Sky + TV.

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