Friday, 12 March 2010

Mike's feedback from rough article

Here is Mine and Matt L's feedback for our rough article from Mike.

The notes written up if you cannot read them clearly are as follows:

1) Article Title?

2) What is BBC iplayer? - As Jenny said, we have to assume that not everyone has heard of these, explain the background of them all.

3) You could explain how all of these sites have developed over time, what they started as, to where they are now.

4) Good work so far, where will the article develop?

5) Footnotes show a good amount of research has taken place.

Overall, I think that this is generally good feedback and that Mike has clearly liked the fact that we have used footnotes to show background research. More footnotes will be essential and I think this would really help to show evidence and levels of research.

Things to change

- The article will develop from the things we still need to include, and after
talking ideas through with Mike and Matt L, we have both decided some more
statistics, and people's opinions to use in the exam so students can back up
their points.

- It also needs a lot more content in terms of detail and analysis,
because this is only a rough draft so content will obviously add up over

- Also, points about general applications such as BBC iplayer, 4oD and general
summaries of what these are to the student will also be helpful as we cannot
assume everyone knows what they are.

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