Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Questions asked about initial project

We were also asked if we had any questions about the project after getting brief sheets about the project on Monday and a short explanation. Here are the questions and answers for the questions I asked in a pair with Matt.

1) Are there any other methods Jenny Grahame will distribute the newspaper? She will print it out and possibly put it with media mag if we meet the deadline, and it may also appear on the website.

2) Are there limits to the content? No copyright material, appropriate language, and to think closely of the target audience when producing content.

3) Do we have to try the newspaper previews out on media students specifically? Yes.

4) Do we have any potential advertisers already? Media mag, The Junction, Skillset, OCR and The picturehouse.

5) What are the deadlines? 1st April is the original print deadline.

Other questions asked by classmates added soon.

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