Monday, 22 March 2010

Style sheet analysis - Media Magazine

These pictures below show myself annotating a style sheet from an article in Media Magazine. A style sheet is a sheet showing the characteristics of the layout of the article, such as columns, pictures, headers etc.

In this picture you can see the overall article on a double paged spread. You can also see I have highlighted and annotated the article accordingly showing the key characteristics.

Here you can see a close up of my annotations etc and my highlighting.

These two pictures again show annotations to the article. I pictked out key characteristics such as the main title, main picture, indents in the text, formatting, number of columns etc.

Summary of characteristics of article

- One main title (biggest of all the font sizes)
- sub title (second biggest font size)
- main header (3rd biggest font size)
- sub header (4th biggest font size)
- main picture
- sub pictures
- indents in the text after every paragraph, no spacing
- specific formatting (numbers, dashes, bullet points)
- atleast 9 different sized fonts, bold fonts, different fonts etc
- Boxout and background information on author
- 3 columns of text per page
- Text aligned to the left

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