Monday, 22 March 2010

Style sheet analysis - Company Magazine

Here you can see my homework of an annotation from Company Magazine, also analysing the style sheet from this magazine to see if there is any differences. Company magazine has a specific target audience of 17 - 25 year old females, so the target audience is firstly very different to media magazine which is aimed at simply a media related audience.

This is the first double paged spread article in the magazine, although in actual fact it is two seperate interviews, I will still analyse the articles main features and characteristics. You can still see the article features a main heading, main images and sub headings etc.

From this picture (although slightly blurred) you can see the main picture of the article, a quote from the interviewee which seems to be larger and bolder, designed to catch the audiences attention (something which did not feature in media magazine.) You can also see the synopsis of the author of the interviews and the subtitle.

From this image, you can see the highlighted pink areas are where the sub headings are for the article, or in this case, the questions. They are bold as opposed to the other text and I think are also a different font. You can also see most of the text is aligned to the left of the page, and there are 3 columns per page - similar to media magazine.

Here again you can see a boxout of the article, (the red box) you can also see the subheadings too (highlighted in pink) and a quote from the interviewee once again to draw the audience in.

Key features of article/interview

- main title (sans serif font)
- sub title (sans serif font)
- heading (sans serif font)
- sub headings (questions) possibly in a different font to the article (serif?)
- main picture
- box out in different colour background and key facts/points
- quote of interviewee (bigger font, bolder and centre alignment)
- text aligned to the left of the page
- 3 columns of text to each page

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