Wednesday, 17 March 2010

article research, relevance to article

Here are some of the specific parts in the article research I completed today which I think relate specifically to the exam and can be used for an argument or for some general information or statistics.

This part of the article is addressing that Youtube is now making plans with channel 4 to air some of their shows on Youtube for a wider audience. This I thought was interesting as it is challenging the idea of Global Media which relates clearly to this section in the exam.

This part relates clearly to our article as it is linking to BBC iplayer and the way it has changed viewing habits of many people, relating to the 'Media and collective identity' section of the exam. Is BBC iplayer taking away traditional methods of sitting in front of a TV with the family? Is it changing the way people interact?

Overall I think some of these passages could be very helpful in the exam, maybe as statistics, data or just as footnotes for something to use and quote in the exam.

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