Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Progress and production meeting 9th March

For today's progress, we firstly had a production meeting to discuss how we were getting on in the class and what people were working on.

We first allocated roles for everyone to do, mainly researching and writing articles, and then noted these down for evidence, as seen below.

Overall, I think that this meeting really established what we needed to do and we made clear that the writers were to really start researching and writing their rough drafts of their articles. I also agreed to write an article with Matt L and the TV catch up idea, and to show that web 2.0 and media in the online age are really beginning to change things, for example TV streaming websites such as BBCiplayer, ITV player, 40D, and especially TVcatchup.com are eliminating the need for a television in the average household.

Notes from peoples roles are written here:

Present today - Tara (myself), Sam, Alex, Philippa, Kirk and Dave (filling in for team leader for Loz)

Assigned jobs
  • Alex and Sam to email potential advertisers for the newspaper today
  • Tim and James to work together, both doing wikipedia related articles
  • Matt L - TV catch up article with myself
  • Ash - Online video gaming
  • Alie - Twitter article
  • Philippa - How facebook affects social life
  • Matt H - The audience move from Myspace to Facebook
  • Hayden - Zeitgeist forecast
  • Dave - Online gaming communities
  • Loz - The evolution of music
  • Alex - internet flash games article
  • Sam - character profiles on Simon Panrucker and David Gauntlett
  • Mike - continuing on blog feedback and reflection
Overall, I think the homework for the rough draft of the article by Friday may be a bit lenient and Nick has set for the rough draft to now be handed in on THURSDAY 11th march. Other than this, I think if we continue to ensure the articles are sufficiently researched and written we should have some good outcomes. We can then start to move on in terms of putting the articles together of which are similar, also starting to move on with Flatplan rough drafts etc.

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